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Delhi civic authority will use drones to verify the details of properties in self-assessment documents.

Delhi civic authority will use drones to verify the details of properties in self-assessment documents.

NEW DELHI: It is reported that the Municipal Corporation of Delhi has chosen to employ drones to check the information that residents provide while self-assessing their property when they pay tax.

On a trial basis, the survey was conducted in the Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area on Mathura Road.

A service of an organization that showed a similar study at Lucknow and Varanasi has been recruited.

The survey can help confirm the precise use of the property, the floor count, and the total area of the property and determine whether any work was completed in the terrace area.

Based on the pilot project’s findings, the tender will be launched in other areas. In a five-day survey, we collected information on 347 properties in the area.

The robot can study the regions intently and gather data. It will likewise assist with distinguishing individuals who are not making good on the charge,” An authority expressed.

Traders have accused the government of enforcing a snare on those already paying taxes rather than trying to bring defaulters into taxes.

“Last year similarly, Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) had pulled out to vendors, by far most of which were unmerited. It took us a year to determine the matter,” said Arun Popli, leader of the Okhla Industrial Association.

Larisa Realtech

Officials confirmed that notices would be sent to people who have completed horizontal or vertical extensions to their property but failed to declare the extension on the self-assessment form.

“We will give enough time to people to submit their replies online and ask them to pay the pending amount,” an official told the media in a statement, noting that property tax is one of the significant sources of revenue for the municipal body.

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