If you are very troubled by pigeons then we are telling you that there are some ways to get rid of those pigeons with the help of your spray which will not cause any harm to those pigeons.

Block Entry Points 

Identify and seal any gaps, holes, or opening in buildings or structures that pigeons might use as entry points. This includes vents, chimneys, and gaps in roofing.  

Net Installing

Install birds netting or mesh over areas where pigeons tend to enter, such as open spaces or gaps in buildings. Ensure the netting is securely fastened to prevent pigeons from accessing those spots.

Ultrasonic Devices

Consider using ultrasonic devices that emit sounds at frequencies intolerable to pigeons. These devices are designed to deter birds without causing harm. 

Trim Trees and Bushes

Pigeons often roost on tree branches. Trimming or pruning branches can reduce the areas where pigeons perch. Focus on removing branches that are close to buildings or areas where pigeons tend to congregate.  

Clearing Overhanging Foliage 

Overhanging branches or dense foliage close to buildings can offer easy access for pigeons to roofs and other areas. Trimming these back can limit their ability to access these spaces.

Citrus Sprays 

Create a homemade spray by mixing water with citrus essential oils like lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit. Spray this mixture in areas where pigeons roost or nest. Reapply regularly, especially after rain, to maintain the scent.