Birds make nests on the roof. Which can also give rise to issues like damage, noise and literary freedom concerns. Here are some tips to help you remove birds and their nests from your roof in a safe and humane manner.

HOW TO Get Rid of Birds and their Nests on Your Roof Top Effective Way

Identify Specie

Identify bird species and check local regulations. Some birds, their nests or eggs may be protected by law.

Choose The Right Time

The nesting season of birds varies. Avoid damaging nests during the breeding season to protect the young birds 

Secure Entry Point

After removing nests, secure entry points to prevent birds from returning. Use mesh screens, bird spikes or other deterrents to limit acce

Maintain Regular Inspection

Inspect your roof regularly for new nests or signs of bird activity. Resolve any problems immediately to prevent problems from recurring

Consult the Professional

If the situation is complex or you are dealing with a protected bird species, consult wildlife professionals or pest control expert

Clean and Disinfect

After removing nests, clean and disinfect the affected area to remove any remaining debris, feathers or feces