What are capital Gain?

An Amount  earned From The Sale of capital Asserts, like building,lands, house,machinery,patents,vehicles,trademarks leasehold  rights,and jewellery,is capital gain.

Type of Capital Gains

Profits earned from the sale of an  immovable capital assert held  for less  than 24 months is short term capital Gain (STCG) , and an assert held For  more than 24 months is long term  capital Gain(LTCG)

Capital Gain Tax On property 

Capital Gain Taxes  are levied on Profile  earned by  the sale of a capital assert after it is sold.

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Short Term capital Gain Tax  Calculation 

For the Acquisition  Home improvement, and  transfer from the final price and calculate the capital gain tax as per the slab rate using  a capital Gain Calculator

Long term Capital Gain Calculator

Deduct the indexed cost of acquisition,home improvement,and transfer from the final selling price.